PawSpace will now be sharing the standard protocol that will be followed for all the Walking assignments.
For any Walking – the service provider must be Certified and Verified from PawSpace.
Step 1 – Process of certification and verification
All These documents submitted are MANDATORY. These documents are protected strictly and will not be shared with any external third parties in any way or form.
Step 2 – Profile creation – Base For Certification
Step 3 – Signing of PawSpace contract to affirm the engagement.
Here you would be required to sign the engagement documents and SLA to confirm the engagement with PawSpace with all the terms and conditions understood and accepted. This is SLA would be valid till you are engaged with us on a part-time and/or full-time basis.
Step 4 – Commencement of order
In order to ensure that you get more orders – there are a few suggestions that you can follow to make your profile better and overall improve your scoreboard and ranking on our platform.
Step 5 – In case of any mishaps
PawSpace also elaborates on the policies pertaining to mishaps that you may face during the engagement
In case of any mishap to the customer’s pet – injury/ loss or death, reimbursement of vet bill for up to INR 10,000 for pet-related injury of either the client’s pet. This can be claimed post-service for up to 28 days after the date of the service booking.
Step – 6 – Payment terms
PawSpace charges a standard commission of 10% with every booking.
The payment terms of PawSpace are simple:
Payment will take place post completion of assignment with 72 hours
In the event of any damage, PawSpace will take upto 2 weeks in order to validate the damage, damage to property and injury.
Step 7 – Cancellation Policy/ Refund Policy
Repercussions of frequent cancellations
If the walker decides to cancel their assignments more than 3 times continuously/back to back they will be banned for a period of 30 days/1month from the system.
Step 8 – Explanation of Sitter Performance Scoreboard
As mentioned above, we tend to relax the commission when your engagement with our company is more evolved and when there are more orders that are completed.
When you Join PawSpace – you are a Non – prime certified service provider, however, post completion of certain milestones – you can rank up to a prime and further Super Prime service provider.
Annexure – 1
Form – Profile Creation
This is an elaborated form service based that helps to capture all important information pertaining to the service provider and services offered for the same.
It’s a one-time activity and also forms a base for creating a profile with PawSpace.
3 core details are captured
Annexure – 2
It is the Pet walker’s responsibility to understand the nature and profile of the pet, whether the pet is friendly with people, social etc. Understanding the nature of the pet’s temperament is vital. For Example: If the pet you are walking is an indie rescue dog, they might be territorial and because of the bad experience the dog has faced, adjusting to new people might be difficult. To avoid accidents for the walker and the pet, getting to know the nature of the dog is crucial for a successful and smooth walking session.
Purpose of walk
As a walker, the customer might have various reasons as to why they want to walk their dog, some customers might want you to walk their dog for relieving their pet, some might want you to walk to dog for physical maintenance/exercise, some might want you to walk to their walk to reduce their weight. It is the walker’s duty to find out the reason/purpose of the walk and maintain the same.
Here are some reasons as to why customers want to walk their pet
Relieving their pet
Types of walks
There are different types of walking, so it is best to find out from the customer what type of walks they prefer for their pet including the duration of walk. It can range from a 30 minute walk, to a 45 minute walk up to a 60 minute walk
Here are a few types of walks that the customer might require:
These are a few types of walks the customer might need.
Leash trained or not
This is a very important factor to know, as a walker is it your duty to know if the pet is leash trained as it would help in a smooth walking process For Example: If the pet is not leash trained and you continue with a walk, the pet might try to pull which can insult in injury to both the walker and the pet.
Any medical issues like hip dysplasia or weak bones or any other issue
FInding out if the pet has any medical issue like hip dysplasia, weak bones, elderly dog or any other issue is very vital. For example: if the pet has weak bones, you must refrain from pushing them to walk more, pulling the leash aggressively as it can result in a serious accident and cause pain to the pet.
(Meet and Greet)
Annexure – 3
Please make sure that you thoroughly read the terms of engagement and follow all the requirements. If you get certified as a Pawspace dog walker, the following are the guidelines you need to be aware of –
BEFORE the engagement:
DURING the engagement:
AFTER the engagement:
*Terms and Conditions Apply
The right way of walking your pet
Water bottle
It is important to carry a water bottle in order to be prepared in case the pet becomes thirsty or starts panting.
Bringing some treats from the pet parents can help the pet to follow commands, some pets do not follow commands unless they are rewarded with a treat, so keeping a few handy will be helpful.
It is important to make a schedule and follow time, being punctual can help the pet follow a routine. Some pets relieve themselves only at a given time, so maintaining the right time and being punctual can make a big difference. It is important to know that the time for walking starts once the walker starts the session and not at the time of arrival. For Example: if the session is scheduled for 10AM, it is important you go at 9:50 and as time should only begin once the walking is started.
Left side
Once you start the session, always make sure that the pet is not in the centre of the road, which can be dangerous to both you and the pet. Make sure that the walking happens on the left side of the road where traffic is not moving, always be alert about any moving vehicles.
Other dogs
Make sure the pet is not in contact with other dogs, as some are ferocious and might attack the pet viciously causing great damage. For Example: if the pet you are walking is friendly, the might be a street dog that can be ferocious and territorial, it is best to take the dog to the other side to avoid scuffle.
Don’t push or force
If the pet is old, sick, elderly or stubborn do not force the pet to walk extra or pull the leash as it can result in problems in the future. For Example: if you are walking a pet with hip dysplasia ensure that you do not pull or push aggressively and give the pet some time to relax/breathe, offering some water might help as well.
Make sure that the attendance is marked every day to avoid confusion in the future, mark attendance and submit a copy to the pet parents and a weekly copy to PawSpace as it ensures consistency and can help us validate and can increase your ranking
Here are a few tips from experts on how to walk the pet, following these tips can result in a smooth and successful walking session:
Walking in front of the dog allows you to be seen as the pack leader. Conversely, if the dog controls you on the walk, he’s the pack leader. You should be the first one out the door and the first one in. The dog should be beside you during the walk.
This allows you to have more control. Attaching the leash to the very top of the neck can help you more easily communicate, guide, and correct your dog.
Give Yourself Enough Time for the Dog Walk
Giving yourself adequate time for the walk is important, follow and maintain the time as chosen by the customer
After the dog has maintained the proper state of mind, reward them by allowing them to relieve themselves and sniff around. Then you need to decide when reward time is over. It should always be less than the time spent focused on the walk.